Community Connect Program Winners 2019
23 January, 2020

Community Connect Program Winners 2019

What a first 12 months it has been. Through our Community Connect Program we've been able to support some amazing Christchurch initiatives, donating over $4000 in our first year.

Our First 12 Months
16 November, 2019

Our First 12 Months

It's been an amazing 12 months. Through our Koha Fee System, we've been able to help hundreds of Christchurch people who otherwise wouldn't have been able to get the chiropractic care they needed.

Chiropractors and Colic
20 October, 2019

Chiropractors and Colic

Colic affects up to 40% of children worldwide. Chiropractic is a safe and effective choice for even the smallest members of society.

Coastal Christchurch Business Meeting for Social Impact and Change
1 September, 2019

Coastal Christchurch Business Meeting for Social Impact and Change

The big vision is to have a community of businesses all making small, sustainable contributions to our local community. People are more and more conscious about who they give their business...

Pregnancy and Chiropractic
25 August, 2019

Pregnancy and Chiropractic

Pregnancy is a time when your body expresses an amazing wisdom. The incredible physical and hormonal events occurring in a woman’s body during pregnancy are both miraculous and challenging.

Connect on TV1 News
7 April, 2019

Connect on TV1 News

Connect Chiropractic, an example of health practitioners and businesses part of the growing transformation of how we can look after our local community. Check out their segment on TV1 News.